Proven STP Marketing Model

Explore a blueprint for success with this punchy approach

Proven STP Marketing Strategy

Navigating the marketing world requires more than just effective advertising; it demands a strategic foundation.

Advertising can take a good offer that's proven and converts well and help you put it in front of more people, exactly like your ideal customers. But what about those brand new, untested, or unproven offers? In such cases, advertising can be a risky and costly experiment. This is where a solid foundation becomes crucial.

Segmentation,Targeting, Positioning Model

Thus, advertising acts as an ACCELERATOR, not as the initiator, for business success.

Video Advertising

If your ads miss the mark, it becomes a puzzle – is it the ad, the targeting, or something else?

To navigate these complexities, start small and scale successfully, ensuring a solid ROI (return on investment).

i'll introduce you to a proven marketing method, no magic but a straight step-by-step guide to your marketing for maximum effectiveness.

Definition to STP Marketing Model

STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) is more than just a three-step process; it's an approach in identifying and catering to your most profitable customer segments.

By understanding and applying the STP model; transform your marketing efforts into a targeted, efficient, and impactful campaign.



Who Is My Ideal Customer?

Many companies falter by assuming everyone is their customer. Segmentation is about understanding that your market is a diverse mix of groups, each with unique needs and characteristics.

Identify your ideal customer by analyzing demographics, geographic location, lifestyle preferences, and behavioral patterns for precise marketing targeting...


Segment by age, gender, income level, etc. For example, a luxury car brand might target high-income individuals aged 30-50, often extending their focus to include aspects like education level, occupation, and family size to finely tailor their marketing messages.

Segmantation of Demographics market
Segmantation of Geographics market


Sort by country, region, or city area. For instance, a local food delivery service targets urban areas for their convenience and density, adapting their services and marketing to resonate with the unique lifestyles and needs of city dwellers.


Consider lifestyle, hobbies, and attitudes. For example, a fitness app might focus on individuals who prioritize health and wellness, tailoring its content and marketing to resonate with those who value active lifestyles and personal development.

Segmantation of Psychographics market
Segmantation of Behavioral market


Look at product usage, brand loyalty, and purchase habits. For instance, a technology company might analyze customer engagement levels and upgrade patterns to create targeted offers for users who show high brand loyalty and frequent product usage.



Where Is My Ideal Customer?

After segmenting, targeting involves selecting the most lucrative segments.

Determine your ideal customer's location by evaluating the size, profitability, and accessibility of each market segment to optimize your targeting strategy...


Is the segment large enough to be profitable? This question is crucial in targeting, as businesses must ensure the potential customer base is sufficiently large and accessible to justify the investment in marketing and product development.

Targeting of market Size
Targeting of market profitablity


What's the customer's lifetime value? Understanding this helps in assessing profitability, as it involves calculating the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their relationship, guiding the allocation of resources for long-term customer engagement and retention strategies.

Ease of Reach

Can your marketing and distribution channels effectively reach this segment? This consideration is key, as it determines the feasibility of connecting with the target audience, taking into account the effectiveness of current channels and the potential need for new strategies or partnerships to engage the segment effectively.

Targeting of market ease of reach


How Do I Reach My Ideal Customer?

It is all about carving a unique space in the customer's mind, setting you apart from competitors.

Connect with your ideal customer by creating solutions that meet their needs, align with their values, and get your place in their world...


Solve a problem or provide a unique benefit. For example, a project management tool might be positioned as a solution that streamlines workflow, enhances team collaboration, and increases efficiency, targeting professionals who seek to optimize their work processes and manage tasks more effectively.

Positioning of Functionality marketing
Positioning of Symbolic marketing


Enhance self-image or fulfill emotional needs, like luxury brands do. Luxury brands often adopt this approach, presenting their products as symbols of status and success, aiming to resonate with consumers' desires for prestige and exclusivity, thereby creating an emotional connection that transcends the product's functional attributes.


Focus on the emotional connection, like adventure travel companies creating memorable experiences. Adventure travel companies, for example, leverage this by crafting journeys that promise excitement and discovery, tapping into the customer's desire for new, enriching experiences that offer both personal growth and escapism.

Positioning of Experiential marketing

Example of STP Marketing Model

Let's delve into the sample data presented in these infographics for a clearer understanding of the strategy at play

Benefits of SEGMENTAION, TARGETING, Positioning strategy
STP model in positioning

Reviewing the sample data, segment A has a higher average income and shows a greater willingness to pay for natural and tasty products. Based on this analysis, SUGAR FACTORY decided to primarily focus on Segment A.

The perceptual map, differing from their current market position, guides their strategy towards Segment A. This targeting, as indicated in the initial graph, will clarify their position in the market and align with consumer perceptions.

Case Studies

The Coco Cola Wars

Coca-Cola and Pepsi used STP marketing to compete against each other in the 1980s. Coca-Cola targeted regular Coke drinkers with the "New Coke" campaign, while Pepsi positioned itself as the soft drink for the new generation.


McDonald's uses STP marketing to target different demographics with different menu items. The company offers breakfast meals for people who work morning shifts, and it also has burgers and other items that are popular with teenagers and students.


Apple has used STP marketing to position itself as a high-end brand that provides the best user experience available. The company's iPhones are always in high demand, and Apple has been able to maintain its position as one of the largest companies in the world by continuing to innovate and provide powerful brands.

And here is a good example; the remarkable success of the "The E-Myth" compared to other outsourcing books, highlighting how the strategic application of the STP marketing model underpins its extraordinary market performance.

Stp-marketing-model-example-book marketing
benefits of Stp-marketing-model-example-book

Why do you think that is?

Contrary to the book on the left, which attempts to appeal to a broad audience interested in outsourcing without a specific market focus, 'The E-Myth' skillfully segments and targets a specific group: small business owners. Its distinct positioning as an outsourcing guide, uniquely crafted for this demographic, exemplifies the STP model's effectiveness in driving a product's success.


Each example illustrates not only the potential for success but also the importance of adapting and evolving in response to market needs and customer behaviors.

After exploring impactful case studies, our journey in strategic marketing is far from over. See you in next article, where we'll delve into applying these strategies using vital tools and integrate them into digital marketing, leveraging our collective experience.

Segmantation, Targeting, Positioning

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